- The overall objective of the organization is to socially organize the disadvantaged & poor people, exploited, divorced and widow women of the society for their participation in the development intervention.
- To aware, motivate and mobilize organized group members on various social issues so that they can claim their human and social rights for their social dignity.
- Provide all educational incentive to illiterate people to facilitate child and adult education.
- Encourage them to participate in various training program and provide them financial and technical assistance to undertake various income generating activities, so that they are able to increase their income to alleviate their poverty and eventually to achieve their economic self-reliance.
- Promote professional skills and occupational skills of the poor women through skills training.
- Involve in economic and productive activities through providing skills training and micro-credit supports.
- Prevent violence against women, human rights violations and HIV/AIDS.
- Promote good governance, social justice and social harmony in the society.
- Establish human right to salvage the suffering humanity, to eliminate social injustice, address gender issue to bring gender balance in the society and to the empowerment of women socially and economically.
- Establish equality among mankind irrespective of race and socio-economic position to extend support to the disabled and disadvantaged people for their Medicare services including (MCH, primary health & Nutrition) and rehabilitation for improving health situation/condition.
- Undertake various cultural activities for the enrichment of the rural based cultural heritage.
- To raise mass awareness about the environment, climate change and its habit, so that every one concerned behave with an attitude of care and protection towards the environment and its habitat.