• Housing Estate, Goalchamot, Faridpur, Bangladesh
  • +880 171-0880987

Monitoring and Supervision System Policy


Organizational development is a continuous process for smooth running of an organization, some system and values are needed .The Gender policy of ESHO JATI GORHI (EJAG) is within ESHO JATI GORHI (EJAG)’s values and systems. It is our pleasure that we have a Gender Policy for our organization and we are working for gender equalization. We have sixty percent female staffs. The policy has been developed for sustainable development and social welfare.

We are thankful to our staff members for their inspiration for taking up this task.







Monitoring and supervision are the most important activities of the organisation for fruitful and appropriate implementation of any project activities at the field levels and beneficiaries’ levels. In this regard, EJAG has developed Monitoring and Evaluation Cell within the organisation and has developed a good number of staffs, who are well qualified, efficient, and skilled and have long experience on monitoring and evaluation. It has also developed monitoring and evaluation system and different appropriate and updated tools to bring up the up dated information, data and actual status of the project implementations. It has developed several units on material development, training, quality control, MIS and monitoring.

For each project, staffs are involved and appointed considering the project activities, natures and feasibility. All the project staffs are given an orientation on the project goal, objectives, targets and implementation strategies and prepared an action plan on the project with the participation of the involved staffs considering the communication, responsibilities, duties, workloads, feasibility of the area, seasonal affairs, capacity of the staffs etc. and taking in consideration important assumptions like disasters etc. This action plan is strictly followed up and monitored.

System of monitoring and supervision:

Monitoring and supervision systems have been development at different levels from there monitoring and supervisions are done by the different levels of staffs.

Nature of monitoring and supervision:

  1. Action plan monitoring and supervision
  2. Beneficiaries monitoring and supervision
  3. Staff monitoring and supervision
  4. Community monitoring and supervision
  5. Impact monitoring
  6. Documents monitoring and supervision
  7. Financial monitoring and supervision

Monitoring and supervision personnel:

EJAG has developed monitoring and evaluation cell within the organisation with sufficient monitoring and monitoring tools, policies, systems and formats. It has also developed monitoring personnel in different levels through providing different training courses. In Each Upazilla, there is a monitoring sub-cell with senior staffs. In each Region there is a monitoring cell with mid-level monitoring staffs and in the centre there is a full-fledged monitoring cell with separate monitoring and evaluation staffs, which has established a channel among the monitoring and evaluation cells for information dissemination. From Upazilla to Centre, there is established accountability, reportability, and transparency among the personnel. Each person of the related monitoring and evaluation cell has particular responsibilities and duties for reporting to superior. In this way each staff is become reportable, responsible and accountable to other staffs. Apart from these, staff appraisals are done from the monitoring and evaluation cells.

 For proper monitoring, supervision and evaluation, staffs are given the following documents:

  1. Necessary orientations
  2. Necessary training
  3. Job descriptions
  4. Staff development manuals
  5. Staff appraisal documents
  6. Action plans
  7. Duties and responsibilities
  8. Check lists on monitoring

Monitoring & supervision are done at three levels like:

a. Field and beneficiaries’ levels:

Field level management staffs conduct frequent follow up, supervision and monitoring among the beneficiaries considering the action plan. They are provided different formats, tools and systemic papers to collect the appropriate and updated information and data from the field and beneficiaries. The field personnel prepare monitoring and supervision report and submit to the Regional Monitoring and Evaluation Cell. These personnel provide spot training to the field staffs and guide them for appropriate project implementation as per action plan.

b. Mid-management levels:

Mid-level management staffs of regional monitoring and evaluation cell compile the reports and conduct frequent follow up, supervision and monitoring among the beneficiaries considering the reports and action plan. They use different formats, tools and systemic papers to collect the appropriate and updated information and data from the field staffs, field and beneficiaries considering the reports, and action plans. The regional monitoring personnel prepare monitoring and supervision report and submit to the central Monitoring and Evaluation Cell. These personnel provide spot training to the field staffs and guide them for appropriate project implementation as per action plan.

c. High management levels:

High level management staffs of central monitoring and evaluation cell compile the reports of regional monitoring and evaluation cell and conduct frequent follow up, supervision and monitoring among the mid-level management personnel, field level beneficiaries considering the reports and action plan. They use different formats, tools and systemic papers to collect the appropriate and updated information and data from the mid-level personnel, field staffs, field and beneficiaries considering the reports, and action plans. The central monitoring personnel prepare monitoring and supervision report and submit to the Executive Director. These personnel provide spot training to the field staffs and guide them for appropriate project implementation as per action plan.

For proper monitoring it maintains the following activities:

  1. Prepare project or program action plan
  2. Prepare weekly, monthly and quarterly plans
  3. Frequent follow up
  4. Frequent supervision
  5. Arrange weekly meetings
  6. Arrange monthly review meetings
  7. Arrange quarterly progress review meetings
  8. Developed appropriate formats, information sheets, questionnaires etc.

The above-mentioned tools and systems are used to monitoring the implemented project or program activities at the field levels.

To collect field levels information and data, the staffs are given the following tools:

  1. Annual Diary for regular information writing
  2. Weekly reporting formats
  3. Monthly reporting formats
  4. Quarterly reporting formats
  5. Consolidated reporting formats
  6. Sectoral component wise information formats etc.

EJAG especially gives importance frequent follow up, supervision and monitoring for better, appropriate and timely implementation of the project activities for each project, because, only strong follow up, supervision and monitoring can guide and ensure proper implementation of the project activities at the field level and also ensures accountability, report ability and transparency among different levels of staffs. It also increases and updates the staffs’ level of understanding, efficiencies, skills and responsibilities. Through follow up, supervision and monitoring the staffs can identify their drawbacks, faults, and lacking and they can get opportunities to rectify them and increase performance in the respective field of activities. These also improve their knowledge, ideas etc. and they get ways to develop their professionalisms. Even, the project activities are being carried out in the appropriate ways and people get much benefit. Strong follow up, supervision and monitoring help to achieve project targets, objectives and goals which will help to have appropriate project results. These follow up, supervision and monitoring are done at different levels like at the field level, mid-level management level and high management level.

Monitoring Plan:

Strong accountability and report ability shall be introduced among the different levels of staffs, and Volunteers through strong follow up, supervision, fixing targets, monitoring, internal evaluation, auditing, external evaluation and auditing, providing formats etc. Personnel action plan will be prepared and followed by the staffs and strong back grounded and experienced staffs will be involved and supervisory system will be introduced like teachers will be supervised by the Community Volunteers and they will be supervised by the Field Organiser or Supervisors, and they will be supervised by the Project Coordinator, Gender Development Officers, and all of them will be supervised by the Director Program and Executive Director. Moreover, Central Coordinators will supervise and follow the project staffs and reporting system will be monthly, quarterly and half yearly. Apart from quarterly monitoring team and audit team will monitor and audit internally and submit report with recommendations and findings.

a. Supervision and monitoring:

Strong supervision & monitoring techniques will be adopted for the fruitful and effective implementation of the project activities. Necessary formats will be developed to collect up to date information from the field for quick and frequent verification. Necessary guidance & monitoring tools will be collected and developed. The staff’s will work, supervise, follow up and monitor at field level. The Coordinator will supervise, follow up and monitor the field staff and the project participants regularly. The senior staff will supervise, follow up and monitor the field activities and report to the Director Program. The Field staff will report to the Supervisor weekly basis, the Supervisor will report to the Project Coordinator weekly basis and the Project Coordinator will report to the Director Program monthly basis. The Director Programs will compile the reports quarterly basis and submit to the Executive Director and he will submit the report quarterly to donor & concerned officials.

b. Weekly Staff and Volunteers meeting:

Weekly Staff and Volunteers meetings will be arranged to review the weekly progresses. The meeting will review all the progresses of the project and find out problems, drawback and faults and also will find out necessary solutions and provide suggestions for better implementation. All the field staff will submit their weekly progress report in this meeting with encountered problems and limitations.

c. Monthly Staff and Volunteers meeting:

Monthly Staff and Volunteers meetings will be arranged to review the monthly progresses. The meeting will review all the progresses of the project and find out problems, drawback and faults and also will find out necessary solutions and provide suggestions for better implementation. All the field staff will submit their monthly progress report in this meeting with encountered problems and limitations.

d. Quarterly Staff and Volunteers meeting:

Quarterly Staff and Volunteers meetings will be arranged to review the quarterly progresses. The meeting will review all the progresses of the project and find out problems, drawback and faults and also will find out necessary solutions and provide suggestions for better implementation. All the field staff will submit their quarterly progress report in this meeting with encountered problems and limitations.

e. Reporting:

Field staffs and Volunteers will submit weekly reports and monthly reports, the Super-visors will submit weekly and monthly reports, the Field Coordinator will submit monthly reports, the Area Coordinator will submit monthly reports and the Director Program will submit quarterly reports and the Executive Director will submit quarterly reports to the donors and concerned officials regularly.

f. Evaluation and Audit:

The project activities and expenditures will be evaluated and audited yearly once by internal & external teams but final evaluation will be conducted at the completion of the project by external evaluation team. The evaluation & audit reports will be sent to the donors and concerned officials for information.

Monthly Monitoring and Evaluation Plan:

Sl. No. Monitoring & Evaluation Activities 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Persons
01. Weekly progress review meeting for staffs PC/staffs
02. Monthly progress review meeting for staffs  
03. Quarterly progress review meeting Do
04. Follow up and supervision Sr. staffs
05. Monitoring M. Team.
06. Internal audit and evaluation Int,Teams.
07. Reporting Staffs
08. PIC meetings PC
09. Annual Audit Ext. Team
10. Annual Progress Report                         ED/DP/PC


N.B:    The above-action plan is followed up in different levels like at the field